What Makes A Good Tip

There are no bad tips, but what makes a good tip great is detail!


  • Who is involved? Who is/are the victim(s) and/or suspect(s)?
    • Provide their full name, nicknames and/or other names they go by
    • Provide their description: age, race, height, weight, hair (length, style, colour), eye (colour, do they wear glasses/contacts), and any scars, marks, or tattoos
    • Provide their job or school information


  • •What type of crime are you reporting? (Please provide details)
  • What did the suspect(s) do?


  • When did the crime occur? (Exact date or approximate date and time)
  • Provide how long the crime occurred for or how long it has been going on for.


  • Where did the crime happen?
  • •Where does the suspect(s) live? (City, nearest cross streets, and address. Provide a description of the location, etc)


  • Why did the crime happen? (Was there a reason for it to happen on a certain date and/or time?)


  • How did the crime happen? (For example if it is a drug crime, how does the dealer sell drugs).
  • How are you aware of the crime? (Did you see it happen, overhear someone talking about it, etc.)
  • How many people know about the crime? How did you know to contact Crime Stoppers? (Social media, website, etc.)